About the Wild Side of Iowa

My name is Rod Nabholz, and the Wild Side of Iowa is the home for my photographic efforts. I was born and raised in Iowa, a resident of Independence, a town of about 6000 in the northeast part of the state.

You will gather as you visit the site, my main interest is in wild bird photography. All of the bird photos here are of free and wild birds. The challenge of locating the birds, getting close and managing the technical and asthetic aspects of good photography is a considerable challenge at times, but one that I enjoy immensly.

In addition to birds, I do shoot some wildflowers, other wildlife and the occasional scenic. I hope you will be patient as I work to complete those galleries. Please check back from time to time as I am always updating the site.

By virtue of spending my childhood in Iowa, it holds a special spot in my heart. Like a number of young people, I left Iowa for a time, but as I got older and reexamined where I wanted to live and raise a family I found Iowa called me back. All of the Images here have been taken within the borders of the state of Iowa, many within a short distance of my home, and are just a small sample of the beauty to be found in Iowa's woodlots and open lands.

I hope you enjoy this look at Iowa, and I hope as a result you will never look at Iowa the same way again.


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